Tag: linux

Command/Shortcut to Lock Screen with “away message prompt” in Linux Mint 17 / Cinnamon

If you want to have a shortcut with for locking the screen, but with prompt for lock message, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Go to Settings -> Keyboard, then click on Keyboard shortcuts tab

  2. Click on Add custom shortcut button, and enter the following command:

    Screenshot from 2014-06-24 12:41:27

  3. Click Add and then assign it a shortcut.
    For example, the default lock screen shortcut is Ctrl+Alt+L. For the one with prompt, you can assign Ctrl+L.
  4. You’re done.
    When you want to lock your screen with a custom “away” message, just press the shortcut you assigned (Ctrl + L)

Screenshot from 2014-06-24 12:47:44


Top things to do after installing Manjaro KDE

In this article I’ll explain what you should to after installing Manjaro Linux with KDE  (current version 0.8.8)

Overview on my desktop

So, here’s my current Manjaro KDE desktop look:


Here are the most important things I’ve done after installing Manjaro linux:



First thing, and the most important, was to fix fonts. Default KDE fonts aren’t that pretty, so I’ve installed “infinality fonts” and cairo ubuntu.

Here’s my current font configuration:

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Slow SSH login on Ubuntu

I have recently experienced a slow ssh login issue on ubuntu 13.10 (xubuntu actually).
Tried all kind of solutions from internet, nothing worked, except this:

Edit the following file:

Find the following line:

hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns4

replace with

hosts: files dns


Ssh authentication working like a charm!