Improve font rendering for IntelliJ IDEA / Pycharm in Ubuntu

Stock font rendering in Pycharm / Intelliji IDEA is horrible on Ubuntu. To improve it, change the following:


First of all, we need to install Infinality fonts:

Installed the patched OpenJDK with fontfix:

In $IDEA_HOME/bin/*.vmoptions  add the following: (PS: $IDEA_HOME is the path to IntelliJIdea or Pycharm)

and in  ~/.profile  add


or whatever the installed java path is.


Start the IDE and enjoy perfect fonts.

  • Mikhail Klemin

    Hey! Thanks for the guide, I was about to get rid of IntelliJ because of ugly fonts, and it was pity coz generally I liked the suite. Now all is fine and fonts are better than in Komodo :-)

  • sanji

    thanks ! gonna try this and i hope it’s going to work

  • sanji

    It works ! Thanks :)

  • Marc

    Thanks! it was clear and it works perfectly!

  • chyoo CHENG

    GOOD,thanks。I want to know how do you build your blog? what framework and so beautiful UI!

  • shenrui1992

    Thanks! Works like a charm!

  • Boris Belousov

    Awesome, thanks a lot!