
PIP - upgrade all packages from requirements.txt (interactively)

pip-upgrader An interactive pypi pip requirements upgrader. Because upgrading requirements, package by package, is a pain in the ass. It also updates the version in your requirements.txt file. Purpose This cli tools helps you interactively(or not) upgrade packages from requirements file, and also update the pinned version from requirements file(s). If no requirements are given, the command attempts to detect the requirements file(s) in the current directory. Quick preview: Installationpip install pip-upgrader Usage

Installed Percona Server / Mysql 5.7 and cannot start without root password.

To fix this:

Make sure your data dir is empty. mysqld --initialize-insecure  --datadir=/path-to-datadir --user=youruserDone. Now you have root user with no password

Mac OSX AirDrop not working (not seeing people or not seen) - HOW TO FIX

AirDrop does not work all the time. Either you cannot see other people, or other people can't see you. To fix this issue, do these steps:

Turn off Bluetooth on your Macsudo rm /Library/Preferences/ Bluetooth back on Fixed :)

Fix - Updated from OSX El Capitan Gold Master to Final Release, andbeta update keeps showing in AppStore

So, if you installed OSX Beta or GoldMaster versions, your account enrolled for pre-release updates.

Now, you installed OSX El Capitan from app store (final release, 10.11) but in AppStore -> Updates, Developer Beta keeps whowing you to update to version 10.11.1. This is because your account has now enrolled to pre-release updates.

To fix this, go to System Preferences ->

OSX Disk Utility Erasing/Formatting stuck at "Unmounting disk ...", "Couldn't unmount disk"

If you are trying to format/erase a disk and disk utility/diskUtil is stuck at "unmounting disk", probably "fsck_hfs" is stuck in a loop, trying to repair it before mounting.

I've seen solutions where you must boot from an external operating system, bla blah. Too complicated and time consuming.

To fix this fast and easy, start formatting, wait for "unmounting disk" message to appear, then go to Terminal, find the process with the following command
ps ax | grep fsck_hfs
You'll get something like
simion@Simions-MacBook-Pro:~$ ps ax | grep fsck_hfs
3693 ?? U 1:32.61 /System/Library/Filesystems/hfs.fs/Contents/Resources/./fsck_hfs -y /dev/disk2s2
3984 s000 S+ 0:00.00 grep fsck_hfs
Then ...

Aplicatia Bancomate pentru Android (În curand și pe IOS)

Această aplicație vă ajută să gasiți ușor și rapid bănci și bancomate (atm-uri) în toată România.

Important: momentan lucrează doar cu anumite bănci, pentru a asigura corectitudinea datelor. Baza de date este în continuă dezvoltare, si vom adăuga bănci noi în perioada ce urmează.

- Afișeaza cele mai apropiate bancomate și bănci din locația dumneavoastră, sau in orice alt punct pe hartă
- Locațiile bancomatelor sunt actualizate zilnic, din surse oficiale, in mod automat (dacă apar bancomate noi, sau se desființeaza bancomate vechi, noi vom ști primii)
- Opțiune de navigare catre un bancomat ales
- Opțiune de căutare adresă / locație
- În cazul băncilor (sucursalelor) este afișat și un număr de telefon
- Filtru în funcție de banca aleasă
- Acoperire in toata Romania
- Pentru eficiența transferului de date/baterie, sunt afișate cele mai apropiate 30 bancomate/sucursale din locația curentă sau locația aleasă de dumneavostră, calculele fiind efectuate pe server.

Ce deosebește această ap…

Improve font rendering for IntelliJ IDEA / Pycharm in Ubuntu

Stock font rendering in Pycharm / Intelliji IDEA is horrible on Ubuntu. To improve it, change the following:

First of all, we need to install Infinality fonts:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:no1wantdthisname/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install fontconfig-infinality

sudo /etc/fonts/infinality/ setstyle linux
sudo gedit /etc/profile.d/
# and set
Installed the patched OpenJDK with fontfix:
sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:no1wantdthisname/openjdk-fontfix
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
In $IDEA_HOME/bin/*.vmoptions  add the following: (PS: $IDEA_HOME is the path to IntelliJIdea or Pycharm)
and in ~/.profile  add
export PYCHARM_JDK=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64"

or whatever the installed java path is.


Start the IDE and enjoy perfect fonts.